Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smart Energy Pure Water... Saving your future

Smart Energy-Pure water . Has any one visited their website to see what Smart Energy is offering in terms of Services and Products ? At last someone is trying to protect our environment and reduce Indonesia's, in particular, Bali's Carbon foot print ?? Not only are they protecting the environment, they are protecting you and your family by offering products that save you time and money.

For example, Smart Energy offers the SwissPro point of use drinking systems.

Now why is that green ?? ... Well... Not only does the system provide non processed water (Damaged molecular structure of the water reduces it health benefits), the 3 stage filtration system and Colloidal Silver anti bacterial treatment uses NO ELECTRICITY... .

Not only is there no more humping and carrying of those heavy water gallons (19KG), you are further saving the environment in a whole manner of other ways.

Lets have a look at the whole process.. Have you ever considered exactly what is involved to get that single Aqua (And all the others) gallon to your door.
Initially the water is pumped from very deep wells in the ground (High electrical usage) to storage tanks. The water then goes through reverse osmosis filtration to ensure that all bacteria is removed. The pump energy required to force the water through these membrane filters is massive. Note RO (Reverse Osmosis) not only removes all the harmful stuff, It also removes all the nutrients that we need in our daily lives. The water then requires secondary pumps so the water can be moved around the plant and into the bottling plant area. (You should see that set up) Here the the plastic bottles (A whole different discussion on the energies required to produce plastic see link) have to be sterilised by heat (Electrical or gas) and chemicals prior to filling. Once the bottles are ready, they then have to be loaded (mechanical equipment) and transported around the country to centralised distribution points. These are then unloaded, loaded and transported, (as always, using smoke belching fuel hungry trucks) to their final destination. AND I have not even touched on the Office time and management required.

Leaving management out of the equation. Each 19 ltr aqua gallon equates to the production of 1.5 to 2 Kg of CO2 ... Now that's not smart.

For more information visit their web site and see what you can do to save our environment.


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